Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Socioeconomic Status Of Children s Linguistic Experience...

Critically examine the relation of socioeconomic status to children’s linguistic experience and development Socioeconomic status (SES) is – primarily – the product of income, education and occupation; SES is typically banded into three categories (low, middle and high). SES and child development are multifaceted variables; many factors that affect child development covary with SES – as a result of this, direct cause-effect relationships are often difficult to uncover (Hoff, 2003). Although SES is predominantly measured by income, education and occupation, it encompasses far more than these rudimentary quantitative factors (Farah et al. 2006), including associated differences in physical and mental health (Adler et al. 1994). This essay will explore SES influences on linguistic experience, examining the impact of SES on linguistic environment and parental input; we find that SES (or, variance in parental input according to SES) impacts syntactic comprehension in children. We consider the effects of SES on linguistic development (primarily cognitively and in terms of chi ldren’s lexical output); we find that SES has been shown to effect cognitive systems that play key roles in linguistic development. The critical period of child language acquisition remains of most interest, as this is where the brain is most malleable and receptive to change – however, later language development will also be addressed. Interpretations of findings and results in this essay stem from a nativistShow MoreRelatedChilds Real Time Referential Processing Development1480 Words   |  6 Pagesabilities in children in order to understand how processing works as well as what contributes to levels of efficiency. Some factors that effect proficiency of this ability includes exposure to infant-directed speech, onset of exposure to first language, socioeconomic status, as well as various individual differences such as language impairments and/or deafness. 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